A group of students and a teacher in a classroom

7 Ways To Make School Campuses Safer For All

This year, there have been 46 school shootings so far. This is the highest number of these incidents that have ever been recorded in a single year, over the past 4 years. Of course, it’s important to note here that gun violence isn’t the only cause of concern on school campuses; students face bullying, harassment, and other kinds of violence in schools. These incidents not only affect their educational experience overall but also have a profound effect on their mental health.

This is primarily why schools across states are taking active measures like security system installation on school premises. Here’s a complete guide on how to make school campuses safer for everyone.  

1. Put Strict Anti-Bullying Policies in Place

When we talk about making schools safer for students, we’re not talking about specific groups but the entire student body as a whole, including the students who most often face bullying or discrimination.

According to statistics, about 60% of school shooters were students that had been bullied on school premises or online. It takes very little effort to put two and two together to recognize the fact that these bad social experiences at school can have a massive impact on a child’s mental health—enough of an impact to drive some toward violence in an act of frustration and revenge.

So, the first step to curbing such violence is to address the issue at the root level by having zero-tolerance anti-bullying policies in place.

A group of students in the school gym

2. Conduct Regular Workshops and Drills Outlining Safety Protocol

Another important thing for teachers, students, and other staff members is regular workshops discussing the possibility of violence on the school campus and how the situation should be addressed. This should include everything from acting quickly to detailing good hiding spots, the first few safety measures one can take, and also ways of protecting those around you once you’re secure.

The workshops should also be followed by evacuation or lockdown drills so that students know what they’re supposed to do based in an emergency. It’s also a good idea to give first aid training to students and teachers in case there are any injuries and no first responders to the victims in time.

3. Start Putting Safety Measures in Place Inside and Outside of the School (Cover the Entire Perimeter)

A security camera mounted on a pillar

School campuses are often vast spaces, and they need to be secured inside and out. Whether it’s electronic security you’re using or security personnel, make sure all areas are covered—don’t leave any blind spots.

So, for instance, when you’re securing the exterior, you’ll want to cover everything from drop-off zones to parking lots, sports grounds, and other exterior spaces within the school’s perimeter. But at the same time, it’s important to secure the interiors as well, including the classrooms, hallways, gyms, and other interior spaces.

Also, when you’re securing the exteriors, make sure every space is well-lit. You can install automated lighting controls and programmable lights that ensure all dark corners are lit, even during morning school hours and after school hours. It’s also helpful to have motion sensors that light up. This can help deter any trespassers and ensure that the surveillance footage is clear.

4. Monitor All Access Points at All Times

A student walking on a school campus

Ideally, to make the school safer, it’s a good idea not to have too many access points in the building. The fewer these entry points, the easier it’ll be to monitor them. There needs to be only one main entrance for all students, staff members, and visitors. The rest of the points should be locked, and any new visitors should be directed toward the main entrance via signs.

That being said, it’s absolutely essential to have multiple exits, including emergency exits. The student should also be aware of these exit points, but it’s important to ensure they aren’t used as entry points by trespassers.

5. Keep Unoccupied Areas Locked

School campuses are typically huge, and keeping an eye on every corner can be very challenging. This is why it’s better to closely monitor the heavily used spaces, including classrooms and gym locker rooms, but keep unoccupied areas locked.

Many schools now have an electronic key access controls systems that limits the number of people with access to certain parts of the building. This could really help you keep the school secure from within.

6. Make the Classrooms More Secure

In the absolute worst-case scenario of a school shooting, students may have to hide in classrooms. This is why we emphasize the importance of making classrooms secure as well.

For starters, the classroom doors should lock on the inside as well as the outside. There should also be a system to cover the glass windows and doors (with blinds, for instance) to give students visual cover.

Of course, it’s also very important to have two-way communication that allows classrooms to contact the main office or emergency service in case there is an emergency.

A group of students and a teacher in a classroom

7. Install a Modern Surveillance System

This goes without saying, but one of the most effective ways for schools to secure their campus is to install a modern surveillance system with AI-powered cameras, cloud storage, and other advanced features that allow maximum monitoring of the school premises.

These security camera systemcameras should be installed inside and outside the school and integrated with automated access controls and other security measures being taken.

A security camera mounted on a wall

If you’d like to learn more about security camera installations for schools, reach out to our security experts at Max Video & Security. We’re security system suppliers and can help you with a wide range of audio and security solutions.

Get in touch with us to learn more.